
Texts of Regret

Tanya's Birthday Gift

Hi, Its Tanya's Birthday, and Here we'd thought you'd like to get the present a shiny new O.W.E. Wallpaper

Open the image size that you need and Right Click to see the option to save it to your computer

[POP - Clunk - ztttttttttp....                                                                     ....POP]




The Original "Pre-Tides of Spacetime" Wallpaper is here 


While the Human's away...

1. The Greek Goddess Athena - in Owl form
2. Pepper Parasaurolophus - Shes got a stuffing brain the size of a walnut.
3. Punky - My Baby!
4. Elton the Mouse - I swear, if I catch that mouse!
5. Gypsy the Cat - Should be doing more than she is.
6. Hamilton J. Pig - Genius, Glutton, Pig. 


In a Name

Cleaned this one up for you all folks! 

original version